language n. 1.语言;(某民族,某国的)国语;语调,措词。 2.(谈话者或作者所使用的)言语,语风,文风,文体。 3.专门用语,术语。 4.(动物的)叫声;(动作,手势等所表示的)表意语。 5.【自动化】机器代码 ( = machine language )。 6.〔俚语〕粗话,骂人的话;坏话。 7.态度,立场。 8.〔古语〕民族;某国国民。 a common language 共同的语言。 a dead language 死语言。 a foreign language 外国语。 a living language 活语言。 long language (与符号语言相对的)通用语言。 oral [spoken] language 口语。 the Chinese language 汉语。 written language 书面语。 high language 夸张的言词。 in his own language 按他自己的说法。 with a great command [an easy flow] of language 口若悬河。 legal language 法律用语。 medical language 医学用语。 parliamentary language 议会辞令;有礼貌的话。 the language of diplomacy 外交辞令。 the language of the science 科学用语。 finger [gesture, sign] language 手势语。 the language of flowers 花语〔如以 lily 象征纯洁等〕。 the language of the eyes 目语,眉目传情。 billing gate language = language of the fish-market 下流的粗话。 in strong language 用激烈的下流话。 use (bad [foul, warm]) language to sb. 谩骂某人。 in fourteen languages 〔美俚〕非常。 speak the same language 说共同的语言,信仰和观点相同。 language arts (中小学的)语言艺术学科。
Therefore , it is necessary for singapore to set up an advanced language institute , perhaps at a level between tertiary and secondary standards , so as to enable students or working adults to study and become effectively bilingual it may including malay and tamil languages as well examinations should be held and those who passed , their bilingual abilities should be fully recognised 因此,我觉得新加坡或可在大学华文专业水准之下,中学华文水准之上,开设高级语言学院,让有志于双语的学生或在职人士多修读相关语言课程也包括马来文淡米尔文等,并举行相当程度的语言考试,合格者可授予证书,以证明其双语能力。